Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Aug 27, 2024

Listen to the Word

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  (Matthew 6:27)

Jesus makes a great point with regard to worry: it doesn’t accomplish anything! You can’t name a single instance in which worry was constructive. Maybe you are unhappy with your physical stature – worrying about it isn’t going to add a single inch (trust me, I would know). Perhaps you are concerned about your lifespan – worrying about it isn’t going to add a single hour. In fact, in light of what we know about the way worry negatively impacts the immune system, the digestive system, and the heart, it is safe to say that worry actually subtracts hours from life.

Someone has said that worry is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. It simply isn’t helpful.

Live the Word

Pray that each time you begin to worry today, God will remind you of the uselessness of that anxiety.