Monday, January 27, 2025
Listen to the Word
All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind; they are ignorant, to their own shame. (Isaiah 44:9)
You may assume that idolatry is not a major temptation for you. You probably don’t bow before a little statue every day. But an idol can be more than a little statue. Anything that you depend on to do what only God can do is an idol. Anything that you count on to make you complete and secure and satisfied that is not the real God is an idol. An idol is a God substitute.
This week we will seek to unmask some of our idols, and we will renew our commitment to finding fulfillment in God alone.
Live the Word
How would you fill in the blank in this sentence: “I’ll be satisfied today if _________________.” What does your answer reveal about any possible idols in your life? Hand those idols to God in prayer, and ask him to help you find satisfaction in him alone.