First Students

there's room for everyone.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

We love our students at FBCLS! Led by Matt Parker, First Students range from grades 7-12. Our Student Ministry is centered on Christ, devoted to Scripture, and dedicated to building relationships in an authentic and fun environment. To learn more about First Students get in contact with us! Fill out the form below or check out our calendar.
Show your love for FBCLS students! Share your photos on insta and twitter with hashtag #FirstStudentsLS. Some could even end up on here!

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Sunday Mornings

First Students meet in The Underground, (Under the gym in the education building). We worship at 9:00 am. 

Sunday Nights - Mosaic


First Students meet in The Underground, (under the gym in the Family Life Center). The schedule looks like this:
- 6:30 is MS Teaching and HS Hangout.
- 7:00 will be everyone together for worship.
- 7:30 is HS Teaching and MS Hangout.
Middle Schoolers head straight down to the Underground at 6:30.