Monday, April 18, 2022
Listen to the Word
I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. (Revelation 1:18)
This week we will soak in a Scripture that is very appropriate for the week after Easter. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus our risen Lord claims quite a title for himself: “I am the Living One.” He is so full of life that death couldn’t handle him. It is really good news that Jesus was alive on the third day after going to the cross. It is even better news that Jesus is alive on April 18, 2022.
Jesus is not just a person from the past, someone who lived once upon a time. He is alive and well and active today. He makes a difference right now. He is at work all around you. He is in the room with you now. Jesus is the Living One.
Live the Word
In your prayers today, address Jesus as the Living One.