Monday, June 5, 2023
Listen to the Word
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)
This week we will reflect on the command to “keep in step with the Spirit.” The command challenges us to allow the Holy Spirit to set the direction of our lives. The only way we can keep in step with him is to go where he is leading. We must make the profound choice that we will no longer be in charge of our own destiny. We won’t be the ones who get to decide what we will do, where we will go, and who we will become. We allow God’s Spirit to lead us to the outcomes he prefers. He decides where we are going, and we keep in step with him.
The command also challenges us to allow the Holy Spirit to set the pace. We often want to stop when the Spirit is encouraging us to keep pressing on. We often want to sprint ahead when the Spirit is challenging us to slow down and walk with him.
To be a Christian is to be on a journey, and to trust the Holy Spirit to decide where we are going and how quickly we will get there. All we have to do is keep in step with him.
Live the Word
Ask God to help you keep in step with him today, neither running ahead nor lagging behind.