A Little Girl and a Bleeding Woman
My memories are full of snapshots from my childhood. They may be flawed and marred by the passage of time, but they give me insight into the formative years of my life.
I remember one time when I was about 4 years old and my family lived on the Air Force Base in Jacksonville, AR. There was a parking lot just up the street from 152 Kentucky Circle (the first address I ever memorized) where my brothers and sister would ride their bikes. Since I couldn't ride a bike yet, I would tag along and run around playing my own games while they played theirs.
As I remember it, one day while we were playing, I tripped right in front of my oldest brother's bike so that he ran over my head, gashing my ear. There was lots of blood and I'm sure I was inconsolable. The first place I thought of, and the only place I wanted to go, was home to my mom. She would make everything better.
Who we run to in our moment of need tells us all we need to know about ourselves.
A synagogue official and a bleeding woman discovered that they could find the help and healing they needed at the feet of Jesus. Jairus, a political and spiritual leader of the community, and an unnamed woman who had been bleeding for 12 years straight, sought Jesus out in their desperation.
Jairus' daughter, 12 years old, had just died, so he went to Jesus.
The woman, bleeding for 12 years and without hope of relief, went to Jesus.
The public mourners filled the house. Jesus quietly took the girl by the hand and brought her back to life. Jesus was surrounded by people. The woman quietly touched Jesus' robe in the middle of the crowd and was healed.
And word of these miracles spread throughout the countryside.
What we see in these stories from Matthew 9 is that Jesus, God With Us, healed people regardless of their status. He healed people who were in hopeless situations. And by doing that He put on display who He is and that His message about the Kingdom is true.
Jesus said that the faith of Jairus and the bleeding woman resulted in healing. They believed that Jesus was who He said He was, and that He could heal them if He wanted to. Jesus isn't a genie that grants us wishes because we believe in Him, and He's not Santa Claus that we ask for all the things we want with our hands out. We humbly submit to Him, we demonstrate faithfulness and trust, and we ask fervently for the good of the people around us, for His glory. And we trust Him as a good Father who gives good things to His children.
I remember one time when I was about 4 years old and my family lived on the Air Force Base in Jacksonville, AR. There was a parking lot just up the street from 152 Kentucky Circle (the first address I ever memorized) where my brothers and sister would ride their bikes. Since I couldn't ride a bike yet, I would tag along and run around playing my own games while they played theirs.
As I remember it, one day while we were playing, I tripped right in front of my oldest brother's bike so that he ran over my head, gashing my ear. There was lots of blood and I'm sure I was inconsolable. The first place I thought of, and the only place I wanted to go, was home to my mom. She would make everything better.
Who we run to in our moment of need tells us all we need to know about ourselves.
A synagogue official and a bleeding woman discovered that they could find the help and healing they needed at the feet of Jesus. Jairus, a political and spiritual leader of the community, and an unnamed woman who had been bleeding for 12 years straight, sought Jesus out in their desperation.
Jairus' daughter, 12 years old, had just died, so he went to Jesus.
The woman, bleeding for 12 years and without hope of relief, went to Jesus.
The public mourners filled the house. Jesus quietly took the girl by the hand and brought her back to life. Jesus was surrounded by people. The woman quietly touched Jesus' robe in the middle of the crowd and was healed.
And word of these miracles spread throughout the countryside.
What we see in these stories from Matthew 9 is that Jesus, God With Us, healed people regardless of their status. He healed people who were in hopeless situations. And by doing that He put on display who He is and that His message about the Kingdom is true.
Jesus said that the faith of Jairus and the bleeding woman resulted in healing. They believed that Jesus was who He said He was, and that He could heal them if He wanted to. Jesus isn't a genie that grants us wishes because we believe in Him, and He's not Santa Claus that we ask for all the things we want with our hands out. We humbly submit to Him, we demonstrate faithfulness and trust, and we ask fervently for the good of the people around us, for His glory. And we trust Him as a good Father who gives good things to His children.
Posted in Student Parents
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