With: Temptations
Behavioral psychologists like BF Skinner have given us a picture of how a temptation becomes a habit. A stimulus presents itself, followed by a response, and then a reward. The nature of the reward (Negative, Positive, or Neutral) determines how we respond the next time we encounter the same stimulus. Regardless of the long-term effects, the more consistent and/or powerful the positive reward, the more likely our response becomes a habit (or addiction). It's at the response stage that we have the decision to make. Is the reward worth the response?
Dealing with teenagers we often have to help them think through the long-term effects of decisions they are making right now. The habits they form now will stick with them the rest of their lives, for better or worse.
It is helpful for me to remember that Jesus encountered temptations like we did and gives us a model for how to deal with them. As we deal with Matthew 4:1-11 this time, we'll deal less with the content of the temptations and more with the fact of them. Here are some points you can talk about with your teen:
Hebrews 3:13 tells us to encourage each other day after day, as long as it is still called "today", so that we might not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. We are each other's help, and we should be the kind of people our friends can trust to come alongside them when they are weak!
This is how we can overcome temptation in our lives!
Dealing with teenagers we often have to help them think through the long-term effects of decisions they are making right now. The habits they form now will stick with them the rest of their lives, for better or worse.
It is helpful for me to remember that Jesus encountered temptations like we did and gives us a model for how to deal with them. As we deal with Matthew 4:1-11 this time, we'll deal less with the content of the temptations and more with the fact of them. Here are some points you can talk about with your teen:
- Jesus encountered temptation as we do, but never gave in.
Hebrews 4:15 reminds us that Jesus was tempted in all ways as we are, so He can identify with us in our struggles. This is very comforting for me.
- Jesus was tempted at a point of great physical weakness.
Instead of going into the city to start His public ministry, Jesus went to the wilderness to fast and pray. And, as we all experience, Jesus' most intense temptation happened at his greatest point of physical weakness.
- Jesus responded to temptation with Scripture.
Scripture reminds us of the goodness and kindness of God, that He works for our good and our flourishing, and points us to His best for our lives.
- Jesus was supported by angels.
Even Jesus had help from others in His temptation. Why would we think we can handle it on our own? We need each other to make it through!
Hebrews 3:13 tells us to encourage each other day after day, as long as it is still called "today", so that we might not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. We are each other's help, and we should be the kind of people our friends can trust to come alongside them when they are weak!
This is how we can overcome temptation in our lives!
Posted in Student Parents
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