Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jul 2, 2024

Listen to the Word

Love is patient... (1 Corinthians 13:4)

1 Corinthians 13 steps all over our toes with its first description of love: love is patient. Right off the bat we see that God’s perspective on love is different from the world’s perspective. The world describes love as a fickle, unpredictable thing. The world says you don’t really choose love, it chooses you - kindof like the flu! The world says love is just something you fall into unexpectedly - and you can fall out of it just as easily. 

God says that love doesn’t give up so easily. Real love is patient. It doesn’t fade away when the person we love isn’t acting very lovely. It doesn’t bail out at the first sign of trouble. It remains true even when the person we love gets on our nerves or makes silly mistakes. Love puts up with a lot. Love is patient.

Live the Word

Is there someone in your life who is difficult to love? Ask for God to help you choose to love that person with great patience.