If you’d like to donate items, we are accepting donations for
Flourish at this event.
Below is information. If you're unable to make this event but still want to donate items to Flourish, please contact
Trish Frevert @ 816-645-1163 or
Linda Thornsberry @ 816-941-9492

Flourish: A Furniture Bank

For our brunch we will learn about Flourish, a furniture bank where compassion meets sustainability. When guests go to Flourish. they receive an entire home's worth of furnishings and essential home goods, while paying nothing for the items they receive. This program serves to help those in need as well as keeping furniture out of landfills. Flourish guests are referred by a participating social service agency ensuring that donations go to those who need it.

The following items are most needed


Pots and Pans

Small Kitchen Appliances (Coffee makers, bread makers, mixers, etc.)

Kitchen Utensils and Holders

Kitchen Towels

Home Decorations such as picture frames, wall hangings, decorative items someone would use to make an attractive home would be appreciated

New Bed Pillows

Queen Bedding

(Items do not need to be new, just need to be working)

If you are considering buying a small appliance, you could work together with a friend or two in order to purchase items.