FBCLS Women's Accountability Partner Program
The Bible tells us to share each other’s burdens, confess our sins to one another, and pray for each other. The goal is this: to support, council, and encourage one another as you grow in your faith.
It will take time to get to know each other, so:
- Start slowly; save the deeper issues for later.
- Set the ground rules early to suit individual needs. For example, how you will communicate and how often. (Obviously, you’ll want to focus on prayer time and Bible study, but you can include areas like diet and exercise, too.)
We take your goals into consideration and will try to pair you with someone who has a similar focus:
- You should meet face to face twice a month and communicate (phone, text, e-mail, etc.) several times a week.
- You can meet at church on Sunday mornings, stay late after a Bible study, meet for coffee, etc.
- Women with young children may want to meet at church preschool play days or at a local park where the kids can play and you can talk.
- Focus on reaching the goals you both set at the start and as your time together progresses. Keep a record of these goals and the methods you will use to achieve them. The hope is that you and your accountability partner will develop a deeper connection over time.
The Basics:
Confidentiality is most important.
Be committed to the program and each other.
Plan an agenda and rely on it.
Stick to the scheduled times; make this a priority.
Be open and honest with each other.
Share the talking time unless one of you has a special issue to discuss.
Put away your pride; accept helpful criticism.
Be loving and respectful.
Be ready to listen, learn, and help.
Hold the other accountable to the goals she sets.
You will receive notification of your partner when we have found a great match for you.
We also want your input on the program, so we plan on contacting you after a few months to see your progress. We won’t ask confidential questions - just get some ideas to improve the program.
Please read the following statements. If you agree, your application stands as your signature and commitment to the guidelines of this program.
- I have the desire to have a partner with me in my walk with Christ.
- I am willing to have contact with my partner (i.e. phone calls, texts) several times a week and meet face to face at least every 2 weeks.
- I will keep everything confidential that I discuss with my partner.
- I will accept the partner I am assigned.
- I will participate in the program for 6 months with the partner I am assigned. After six months, I can change partners or we can stay together.