Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Oct 8, 2024

Listen to the Word

He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. (Ephesians 1:5)

You were created to be God’s child. You are not an accident. Your arrival on the scene was not a mistake or a random fluke of nature. You were made for a reason. You were made for a relationship with God.

If you live your life apart from that relationship, you will never be whole. You will be like a tire without air, or a lamp without a light bulb. You will completely miss your purpose and potential. You will also spend the rest of your life with a thirst you can’t quench - a longing you can’t fulfill. You will only find significance and satisfaction if you live as God’s adopted child.  

Live the Word

What are you expecting to give you significance and satisfaction today? If it is anything other than God, confess that to Him. Ask him to show you how he can abundantly provide what you need.