Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Nov 15, 2023

Listen to the Word

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.” (Job 38:4)

When Job questioned God about the difficulties he was experiencing in his life, God responded with a few questions of his own for Job. They were all questions about creation: Were you present when construction began on the universe? Do you know how to make snow? Did you hang Orion in the sky? Did you teach the hawk how to fly? After a barrage of questions like these, Job was forced to admit that he himself wasn’t quite qualified to run the universe, and he would have to leave that to the God who created it all. Paying attention to creation can have an equally humbling effect on us today. When we ponder the magnificence and complexity of all that God has made, it reminds us that he is infinitely greater than we are.

Live the Word

Confess to God your tendency to try to play God and run your own life. Ask him to use what he has made to remind you how much bigger than you he is.