Thursday, January 2, 2025

Jan 2, 2025

Listen to the Word

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.  (Psalm 96:3)


Take a moment to think about some of the folks you encounter on a regular basis who are part of the “all peoples” of Psalm 96:3. What if they don’t cross your path by accident? What if God sends them your way so that you can fill them in on what an amazing God he is? How can you brag on God to the people you will encounter today?


Could you start a new custom with your family of praying a prayer of thanksgiving at meal time or bedtime? Could you tell the cashier at the grocery store about the ways God has used your church in your life and invite them to visit? Could you take advantage of an opportunity that arises with a neighbor to give God credit for your ability to survive some recent challenges? Could you tell a struggling friend that you will pray for them, and that you are confident that God is more than capable of meeting their needs? Simple actions like these are ways you can fulfill God’s call to declare who he is and what he can do!

Live the Word

Add two or three more examples to the list above, and watch for opportunities that may present themselves during the day.