Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Listen to the Word
“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (Exodus 20:7)
It is actually possible to misuse God’s name without even opening our mouths. We trash God’s name when our lifestyle is inconsistent with his character. Even when we are not speaking God’s name, we bear God’s name. The Bible says we are his people, called by his name. If people identify you as God’s, then you bear his name, and all you do reflects on him.
I once heard a police officer describe the delight he took in giving tickets for traffic offenses to people with Christian emblems on their cars. He found it hypocritical for a vehicle to have a bumper that said “I love Jesus” while its speedometer said “I ignore the law.” As Christians, we bear God’s name. Every sin we commit is done with his name plastered on us.
In a sense, the third commandment is a warning against hypocrisy – we must not be called by his name and yet live in a way that is inconsistent with his character.
Live the Word
For the next hour, be conscious of the fact that you bear God’s name. Ask him to help you to speak and act in a way that is consistent with that reality.