Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sep 19, 2024

Listen to the Word

“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”  (Exodus 20:7)

We have some pretty big names for God. We call him things like “Lord” and “King.” These titles imply that we consider him to be the boss, that he is the one calling the shots. But are these titles descriptions of the way things really are for us, or are they just pretty words? Jesus once asked why we call him “Lord, Lord” but refuse to do what he says. That is a question worth pondering.

Don’t just call him “Lord.” Let him actually be Lord. If you give him the title without the authority, the words are empty. You are trashing God’s name.

Live the Word

Think back on your day so far – has there been a time when you went your way instead of going God’s way? Confess that to him, and tell him you want to let him lead again.